Our Services

Close up underwater image of a fish in a lake with a forest/mountain in the background
  • We work collaboratively with our clients to develop and implement fish and aquatic studies that support proposed projects including:

    • Aquatic baseline studies
    • Aquatic Environmental Impact Assessments
    • Fish and Fish Habitat Studies
    • Environmental contamination studies
    • Habitat evaluations
Fish and Aquatic Ecology Studies
Environmental Sampling and Monitoring
Construction Monitoring
Mapping and GIS Analysis
Training and Technical Support
Expert Reviews & Scientific Advisory Support
Community Engagement

Our Founder

I am an Aquatic Ecologist and Environmental Scientist with thirteen years of experience in the fields of fisheries science, aquatic ecology and ecosystem management. I have managed and lead fisheries and aquatic field studies that support industry and Indigenous communities across Canada in identifying and managing impacts to the aquatic environment. I am motivated by a love for learning and exploration that drives my curiosity to understand and protect fish and aquatic habitats.

- Levi Snook, Founder

Headshot photo of Founder Levi Snook